
Things Change. And friends Leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody. This is a space for me to explore myself and what i hope to achieve in this lifetime.

I dress for the image, not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion and not for men. I am blunt and too honest and you will tend to love or hate me. If you’re my friend i will move the earth to make you happy. It takes a lot to destroy me as i am very forgiving, but once i am hurt i am deeply hurt. I can happily discuss quantum mechanics, science, religion, fashion and politics for hours. I love people that can talk to me about something I don’t know and make me say WOW. I love being challenged by others beliefs and viewpoints.

I am a mental case, but one that is pretty god damn interesting. I have come to realise we are all insane; one just has to realise it and appreciate it. I don’t like to just surround myself with people that understand me; I have the most fun with people who have yet to this day to work me out. I have many amazing friends in my life and you all know who you are! You have all made me the odd ball character I am today.

At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away.

Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy." It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know"

In the end what matters most is how well you did love, how well did you live, how well did you learn to let go...

'We are born into the world like a blank canvas, and each person that crosses our path takes up the brush and makes their mark upon our surface. And so it is that we develop. But we must realise there will come a day that we must take up the brush and finish the work. For only we can decide if we are to be just another painting or a masterpiece.... '

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Lea Nahon


 Lea Nahon

The power of a blog.

The more you begin to investigate what we think we understand, where we came from, what we think we're doing, the more you begin to see we've been lied to. We've been lied to by every institution.

What makes you think that the religious institution is the only one that's never been touched? The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of the dirt. The religious institutions in this world are put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up your international banking cartels. Because our masters don't give a damn about you or your family. All they care about is what they have always cared about and that's controlling the whole damn world.

We have been misled away from the true and divine presence in the universe that men have called god. I don't know what god is but I know what he isn't, and unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, and wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to, if you want to look the other way or if you want to play favorite, then somewhere along the line you're going to find out you're messing with divine justice. The more you educate yourself the more you understand where things come from the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere.

"You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free."

[They must find it difficult…
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority.
-G. Massey, Egyptologist]

Because I gotta tell you the truth, folks, I gotta tell you the truth. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion.

Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!

Things arranged neatly.

So to all of those whom know me, or even heard of me, or are friends with someone of whom has had the pleasure to share space with me for an extended period of time should be well aware of my obsession with order and obscene mentally draining order at that. I recently stumbled upon a website which invoked all that I have inspired to in my life of OCD. An entire website dedicated to things being arrange neatly. Not just cutlery facing the same way in draws but whole entire rooms and seemingly unrelated objects arrange in a rigid, unyielding and exaggeratedly organised manner. Was I filled with passion to go out and photograph my objects and do the same? OF COURSE I WAS. But which collection deserved the right to be published on such a site.
I had a few options; my collections of actual likeminded objects, or my collections of seemingly un related yet OCD worthy pieces. Now to list only a few, of which some will make you laugh others of which your jealously meter will rise.. They range from clocks, military, bow ties, hats, men’s shoes, vintage fashions, old fashion week collections, turn of the century sewing equipment, glass wear, figurines, ice buckets, books and too many more, … even a nearly complete collection of the Spice Girls.. By nearly complete I mean everything that is possible to own besides two key items. The Spice girl tattoo kit and Spice Girl standalone microphone. All in boxes, all un opened all loving stored away in a cupboard of my garage… I have saved the best though, really and truly probably the most extensive collection of any one item in the world, and yes owned by me..

LIPSMAKERS.  The Bonne Bell Company is the story of a man who had a dream and the courage to pursue it and make it a reality. It is the story of Jesse G. Bell. The Bonne Bell Company has been exciting lips with Lip Smacker, the WORLD'S favorite flavored lip gloss, since 1973. And I own a rather large slice of this market. At last count I owned nearly one hundred. Many have been opened, however with packets of their unopened sisters for safe keeping. Are you jealous or what!

The beginning.

So I thought I should begin one of these things. Everyone who is apparently anyone has one. Don’t go expecting copied images from a Milan catwalk with a sweetly strung sentence outlying the design details and concepts I love. I am not some recently graduated fashion student wishing to take over the world by giving my mostly flawed and erroneous fashion opinion as that’s not what I am about. Blogs will include a whole facet of topics ranging from fashion, of course, however with with a unnerving twist...

In this blog i will post things to hopefully make you ponder and ask why, to encourage and motivate and to shock and disgust. Let’s see what I create with it.

Their won’t be any censoring here nor will there be any taboo topics. I will look to this blog as more so a personal diary that has the capability to be seen by others of whom I spark the interests of.
To set the tone of this blog i will leave you all with this  "If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet."
- Niels Bohr